To perform a candle ear cleaning, you need a small tin or paper plate. You can get these from any grocery store. The hole on a paper plate should be the same size as the end of the candle. Once you’ve located the right size, you can hold the candle over your ear. If you can see no smoke escaping from the ear, you’re ready to proceed. Repeat the process until you’ve used all the drippings.
A q-tip doesn’t clean the ear canal very well. Regular earwax is not pulled up into a funnel by the candle’s descending heat. Using an ear candle will help relax the ear and prepare it for further cleaning. Afterward, you should follow the same process as the traditional ear-wax removal method. You may find this easier than the traditional method and even enjoy it more.
However, it is important to note that candle ear cleaning does not remove any debris from the ear canal. In fact, some studies have found that candle ear cleaning can increase the buildup of ear wax. One case described by a 33-year-old woman who visited an ear clinic was described in the above-mentioned case study. The patient complained of pain in her ear. During the consultation, doctors observed a yellowish mass inside her ear.
If you wish to use ear candling, you should wash your hands and the ear before the procedure. Make sure you use antimicrobial soap before you begin. You may also want to dampen a large towel. A damp towel will help protect you from a hot flame and protect your hair. The towel should cover your head and upper torso. During the procedure, you should sit upright to prevent the falling ashes from burning you.