How to Build a Candle Carousel

candle carousel

Creating a candle carousel is a great way to get your kids in the Christmas spirit. Aside from being fun, it can help kids learn more about the different holiday decorations. Depending on the number of candles you use, the carousel will spin at different speeds. It is also easy to build.

To build your candle carousel, you need to have a flat surface. You can use a piece of aluminum pie pan, a wooden skewer, or a straw. Each material has its own advantages. For example, aluminum will help you create a large structure, while wood will help you create a small one. Regardless of what you use, you need to use a steady hand.

The best angle for the blades of your candle carousel is 30 degrees. This will help you get the most spin out of the blades. If the edges of your blades are curved, you may need to use a protractor to get them straight. If you can’t get the edges to straighten, you can use a ruler to make straight lines.

The amount of heat under the carousel blades will also determine the speed of the blades. You can measure this with a special app on your phone or with a light sensor.

You can also use a stop watch to measure the speed of the carousel. Make sure that it is placed away from active air vents or anything that could catch fire.